Saturday, September 19, 2009

VA warns veterans to be wary of phone scam

from Army Times Staff report
The Veterans Affairs Department has issued a warning about a phone scam in which con artists claim to be updating veterans’ prescription drug information in VA’s files.

VA officials caution veterans not to give credit card numbers over the phone if they receive such a call.

“Veterans have become targets in an inexcusable scam that dishonors their service and misrepresents the department built for them,” said Dr. Gerald Cross, VA Undersecretary for Health. “VA simply does not call veterans and ask them to disclose personal financial information over the phone.”

Callers reportedly misrepresent VA to gain personal information over the phone by claiming that the department recently changed procedures for dispensing prescriptions and that their personal credit card number is needed to update their VA files.

“VA has not changed its processes for dispensing prescription medicines,” Cross said. “Nor has VA changed its long-standing commitment to protect the personal information of this nation’s veterans.”

Veterans service organizations brought the issue to VA’s attention, Cross said.

Veterans with questions about VA services may contact the nearest VA medical center or call toll-free 877-222-8387.

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