Wednesday, September 2, 2009


September: 2009
Listen Cooties,
I attended the Supreme Scratch in Phoenix, AZ - this was the first time I attended a Supreme Scratch and I hope it isn’t my last. PGC George Kohler accepted awards earned during his term of office. The awards will be handed out at the next C of A. Congratulations to PGC Kohler and all who will be receiving awards.

Now that the Supreme Scratch has been held, it is now time to get working on the programs for 2009 - 2010. I know that everyone doesn’t want to hear this but this has to be done.
Reminder - The next of C of A will be held on Saturday, September 12 at Gap VFW at 1 PM and the School of Instruction will follow the scratch. The testimonial for Grand Commander and Grand President is also going to be held on September 12 at Gap VFW at 7 PM.

On Friday, September 11, I will be representing the Grand of PA MOC at the Sharing and Caring boat ride in Pittsburgh, PA. I am looking forward to being able to be with some of our hospitalized Comrades.

I hope that everyone has a safe Labor Day. And don’t forget to fly your American flag.

Pass the word that flash information of interest to Pennsylvania Cooties can be found on the Internet at The PA Grand Cootie blog is the place to go if you want to read the General Orders and you don’t get them mailed to you. It is also the place to go for links to the Supreme website as well as other Grand’s.

Help save the earth and the Grand budget by opting out of snail mail delivery of information. Get your General Orders through your e-mail box and save your Grand the cost of mailing. In addition to you anyone in your Pup Tent can receive e-mail General Orders. So, be the first on your block to receive Lousy stuff from the Grand. Anyone who would like to receive communications from the Adjutant via e-mail send a note to Mike Bookser and let him know that you want your Lousy stuff fast.

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