Thursday, September 17, 2009

By-Laws Changes Approved at Supreme Convention

To see what By-Laws and Ritual changes were presented at the Supreme Convention see the July "Cootie Courier" however B-1 and B-4 were the only changes approved. B-4 concerns Hospital Reporting. The MAJOR change (B-1) is as follows:

"The officers of each Pup Tent shall consist of a Seam Squirrel, Blanket Bum, Hide Gimlet, Custodian of the Crummy Duffle Bag, and three (3) Tightwads----"
All other positions will be appointed by the the Seam Squirrel.

That means that the only positions needed to be reported on an Election Report are the elected officers, not those appointed by the Seam Squirrel.

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