Friday, August 21, 2009

General Orders #3

August 2009

Listen Cooties,

At this time, all appointments for 2008 - 2009 by now Past Grand Commander George Kohler, have completed their terms and obligations. The elected officers and appointed chairmen for 2009 - 2010 have now assumed their duties. The new roster will be given out at the next Council of Administration meeting.

The Testimonial banquet for Grand Commander Hafer and Grand President Wert will be held on Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 7 PM at Gap VFW. Deadline for banquet tickets is September 1, 2009. Checks are to be made payable to Grand of PA MOC and sent to Ben Bowers, 400 Mill Street, Apt. 907, Columbia, P A 17512-2244 - and indicate choice of roast beef or turkey. All officers from Historian to Senior Vice are to wear the Cootie uniform to the banquet.

The next Council of Administration meeting will be held on Saturday, September 12, 2009 at Gap VFW at 1 PM. Following the meeting there will be a School of Instruction to help with the Cootie programs.

All hospital, blood, VFW booster, and membership must be reported to the appropriate Chairman for 2009 - 2010.

Commander's Travels:
August 9 - District 4 scratch in East Berlin, P A.
August 19 - 23 - Supreme Scratch in Phoenix, AZ.
August 29 - Dept. of PA VFW Commander, Frank G. Mills reception at Standing Stone Post 1754 in Huntingdon, PA.

Reminder to all CCDB - Audit reports are to be sent to Grand Quartermaster, Ed Wood.

If there is anything that needs to be included in General Orders, please contact Grand Adjutant, Mike Bookser.

Remember, Labor Day is September 7 - visit a Vet!

Game On:
Start preparing, the 2011 National Veterans Wheelchair Games will be held in Pittsburgh. The event will need approximately 2,500 volunteers to help with the events and the athletes. Get in line Cootie your services will be needed.

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