Monday, March 30, 2009


Tentative schedule

Friday May 15, 2009
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Joint Opening of Convention

10:00 am - 12 Noon
MOCA Registration Friday morning
Ways & Means Ticket Sales

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm.
Final 2008 – 2009 Council of Administration

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
President’s Social for all Sisters
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Presentation at Bedford Court House
(Banquet Ticket Price
7:00 pm
MOC Memorial Service

Beer Bust/Commander’s Wienie roast
- Immediately after Memorial Service

Saturday May 16, 2009
8:00 am – 9:00 am
MOCA Registration

9:00 am – 11:30 am
MOCA Convention Begins

11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Lunch Break and Past President’s Luncheon

1:00 pm – conclusion
MOCA Memorial Service
Convention resumes

7:00 pm - ??
Installation Banquet

Friday, March 27, 2009

VA mum extent of equipment contamination

By Bill Poovey - The Associated Press: Thursday Mar 26, 2009

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — Thousands of military veterans across the South are waiting to find out if they were exposed to infectious diseases by government clinics that performed colonoscopies and other procedures with equipment that wasn’t properly sterilized.

Veterans Affairs officials won’t say if mistakes that may have exposed patients to infections at medical centers in Tennessee and Florida and a clinic in Georgia have been discovered elsewhere.

Read the whole story

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

James E. Van Zandt Altoona VAMC Events

American Red Cross Blood Drive
March 31, 2009 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
May 27, 2009 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Location: 2nd floor auditorium of the medical center. To register, please call 814-943-8164, extension 7141.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Caring for Veterans?

By Rick Maze - Staff writer Army Times Mar 9, 2009
Major veterans and military groups don't like the Obama administration’s proposal to raise money for the 2010 VA Budget by billing veterans’ private health insurance for some of the cost of treating service-connected injuries, illnesses and disease.
Read the whole story Vets slam VA’s private insurance idea

Obama Backs Down

Friday, March 6, 2009


Buddy Poppy orders for Memorial Day are now being processed. Remember to order early through your Department headquarters!

Traditionally, each worker will distribute 200 Poppies. Multiply your number of volunteers by 200, add Poppies you plan to use for displays, table decorations, etc. and add several hundred just to be sure. An order too small may mean you have to cut your campaign short when response is greatest. This frustrates your workers and diminishes your contribution to the Post Relief Fund.

Try to place your order at least 90 days before your distributions day. Contact information: Nelda Clifton at
(816) 968-1148

Monday, March 2, 2009

General Orders #10

March: 2009

Listen Cooties;

As you know the next Council of Administration will be in Willow Grove at 9:30am on Sunday March 22, 2009. All Seam Squirrels and Grand Officers should make every effort to be there or have a representative attend in your place. If you can’t attend have your report mailed into Grand Adjutant Mike Bookser.

District 1
The First District will hold a Scratch on Sat March 21, 2009 at the Days Inn Willow Grove at 2pm. Pup Tents from that area should attend, I understand they want to hold elections and complete the warrant as well as other business of District 1. A meeting room will be provided at the hotel.

3rd Supreme
The Third Supreme consisting of Delaware and Pennsylvania will hold a Scratch at 6:30pm on Sat March 21, 2009 at Days Inn Willow Grove. Our Supreme Surgeon Mark Newman and Supreme Council member Jessie will be there along with members from Delaware Pup Tents, let’s show them that Grand of Pennsylvania is there in full force.

I know it is short notice but if you want to make a resolution to make a change to by-laws it must be typed and presented to either Ray Fern or Ben Bowers at this March C of A to be read and acted upon at the Grand Convention in May in Bedford. If you have a problem with that you must contact either one of these co-chairman and explain why you can’t meet this deadline.

Cooties this year you have as always been working above my expectations, many of you have been keeping up with the paper Work inspections, audits, booster reports, and above all your Hospital work. The apparent organization PA V.F.W. department Has shown us more respect this past two years all because Of what we do. They realize we are that extra hard group of Workers. Some of us have signed up over 6 new or re-instated V.F.W. members. Many of us have sign up two or three new cooties. With this kind of effort we can look forward to being around for a long time. Now that we signed these cooties up let’s get them to the scratches they are tomorrow leaders and we need Them to be learning so they can fill offices down the road. This isn't a pep talk, new blood is vital for this Grand and its’ Pup Tents. Make them feel welcome, show them the ropes, and let them know we are the fun organization of the V.F.W. Most of all let them know we are a family.

I want to thank Bangor Pup Tent for the great hospitality I received there Feb. 22, 2009 and the warm welcome I received at Easton V.F.W. and Pup Tent Sunday evening Feb. 22, 2009.

I ask now if you want to have or bring anything such as awards and what not at grand convention in Bedford please bring that Info to willow grove c of a we would like to work on convention Program there.

We are trying something new. If you are a part of the Internet crowd, visit our new blog at We are looking for Put Tents who want to publish information about your activities to join in. Contact Mike Bookser to see how you can infiltrate the seams on the Internet.

Information on grand convention is as follows Hotel is once again the Best Western Bedford Inn, is just off the PA Turnpike, make left at light. Located at 4517 business 220 Bedford, PA 15522 Phone 814 623-9006 direct reservations 800 752-8592 Date of convention is May 14,15,16, departing on 17, 2009. Mention Ben bowers and tell them you are with Military Order of cooties Grand of Pennsylvania. Dead line for reservations is May 1, 2009. Remember Ben bowers mailed out cootie of the year information, get it in.

The Convention book AD’s costs are as follows; $10.00 for a business card, $2.00 for a booster, $15.00 for a quarter page add $25.00 for half page add, and fifty dollars for a full page ad. The business card should be for those individuals business and not pup tents Or post or aux. This year is the first time we have tried this For many years. Try to sell some business card adds if you Can sell ten cards at ten dollars each your Pup Tent will Get a twenty dollar rebate at grand convention. Mail ads to Robert Wagner PGC 2016 Bard Hollow, Buffalo Mills PA, 15534 phone 814-842-6047 dead line April 25, 2009. It would be a good idea if you’re at Willow Grove C of A to have it ready to turn in there if at all possible.

If you check the last page of your Cootie Courier you will find the information for motel reservation at Willow Grove in March, I now wish to thank Ray Fern PSC for printing this information.

You should have had or going to have your elections of officers. Please get warrants completed and mailed into Mike Bookser, and a copy to Supreme Headquarters these should be completed by March 31, 2009. If you want to make sure Mike gets it and you have had your election bring it along to Willow Grove C of A. Jack Roberts will be there also and this would make us all very happy.

Sick call
I visited Jake Spangenburg this past weekend he is back at work now and wants to thank all of you for cards and Letters. Galena Wagner is slowly recovering at home from her operation, let’s remember Belle Moon, Don Peron, and all the Cooties who are recovering from surgery or illness.

At this time I wish to report the death of last living charter member of Concocheague Pup Tent 72, Mr. Melvin Hostler of Chambersburg, PA. We lost Mel on Feb. 16, 2009 he was a Past Seam Squirrel, oldest Past V.F.W. Post Commander and active up until the end. He was 92 years old and attended the January 2009 Post meeting and Cootie meeting. Uncle Mel will be greatly missed by all of us at Chambersburg, for his willingness to teach new members, work for V.F.W. goals, listen, and make suggestions right up till the end. Hats off

Like I said at the beginning, "this is mostly information to read and Acted upon." I still care about each and every one of you out there, my travels are not over yet, but my time is running out as your Commander, thank you for all you do and may God bless you all.

As always these are not my General Orders if you want something In the General Orders contact Mike prior to end of month. See you in Willow Grove.

M.O.C.A. Grand Chaplain
Betty Wart's niece underwent a bone marrow transplant. She is 14 years old. Her name and address is Katelyn Dundore 231 Heather Lane, Ephrata, PA 17522. You can see her story on the Internet at the URL A special get well card would be nice.