Thursday, February 26, 2009

District 1 Meeting

District 1 will have a meeting on Saturday March 21, 2009 at the hotel hosting the Council of Administration meeting. The District 1 meeting will be held at 2:00pm, elections are scheduled for this meeting also. The 3rd Supreme will be meeting at the hotel on Saturday evening, so come and make a day of it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Get The Word Out

From Commander KOHLER:

I was at a Federation of Clubs meeting Tuesday Evening. We met with two Pennsylvania House Members and one Senator from our area along with a lobbyist from the Fed.

These three members stated that House Bill 169 has not even been re-introduced yet. This is the Small Games of Chance Bill.

All of those elected officials present said they would vote for it.

One thing they did say was if they add Video Poker to the Bill they would not vote for it, and it will not clear the Senate. Governor Rendell is going around the state trying to get support to pass Video Poker legislation as a tax benefit for Pennsylvania.

Remember this is how these three Republicans stated to 35 Club Representatives so you may want to contact your local State Representatives and let them know the need for House Bill 169 with no changes such as Video Poker.

Meetings or hearings on Scotland School will begin in mid-March. I will put the date out on this blog as soon as I get them.

The House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Courts is having a hearing in Pittsburgh on Friday February 27, 2009 the topic of the hearing is Veterans Courts. The Public hearing on problem solving in Veterans Courts is an issue because Allegheny County is on the verge of forming a Veterans Court. One of the things the court would do is hear cases involving criminal conduct on the part of veterans who may be suffering PTSD. The Allegheny County Veterans Court would be the first such court in Pennsylvania. Our Adjutant will be attending the hearing and will report back here.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

March Council of Administration

The next Council of Administration is in Willow Grove. We will be meeting at the:

PHONE NUMBER 215-674-2500

Directions: just off the PA Turnpike at the Willow Grove exit. The Third Supreme meets Saturday evening at hotel. Council of Administration meets Sunday morning at 9:30am make reservation by March 9, 2009.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Cootie Sunday

Sunday February 15, 2009 was Cootie Sunday, a day when all Cooties found themselves in VA Hospitals around the United States. Members of Pup Tent 4 and Pup Tent 29 spent the afternoon at the Heinz VA Hospital in Aspinwall PA. The Cooties and hospitalized veterans played bingo and afterward had barbque ham sandwiches and desserts. The Ladybugs of Sahara 4 M.O.C.A. raffled off hand made lap blankets, scarves and tossle caps.

Try It!

Go ahead Cootie try it. Click on the comment below and leave a message. We'll get this started.


Just as members of the United Spanish American War Veterans had much to do with the foundation of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, they also had a prime part in the start of the Military Order of the Cootie. In late 1919 several Spanish American War Veterans, members of the Imperial Order of the Dragon (a higher degree of the USAWV) conceived the idea of a similar order for the VFW. Fred C. Madden, a Past Grand Viceroy of the Dragons, was assisted by another Past Grand Viceroy, F. L. Gransbury and several other I.O.D. members. The VFW was nearly as old as the United Spanish American War Veterans and was due for the influx of members from World War I, which they thought could be helped with the formation of an Honor Degree with fun as one of its objectives.

The rolls were opened for membership at the Oxford Hotel in Washington, D.C., September 17, 1920, and nearly 300 VFW members signed up. Fred C. Madden became the first Supreme Seam Squirrel; and a complete list of Officers was ratified at a special meeting held in the Calvary Baptist Church in New York City. Madden developed the constitution and by-laws. F. L. Gransbury authored the rituals and became editor of the "Cootie Tickle", six issues of which were printed prior to the VFW encampment in Detroit. There a committee was formed consisting of Commander-in-Chief Woodside, Past Commander-in-Chief Hartund and VFW Council Members Allen of New York, Jones of Oregon and Jones of Washington. They met with Supreme Cooties Gransbury #3 and E. S. Davis #12, to make the M.O.C. a part of the VFW. The favorable report of this committee was accepted by the VFW National Encampment about 9:00 PM, Saturday, 24 September 1921, making the MOC a part of the VFW.

At midnight that same day, acting Assistant Supreme Seam Squirrel Davis called the first Supreme Scratch to order, reported the result of the committee conference and VFW endorsement and conducted the first Supreme Election. William E. Eighmey was the first Supreme Seam Squirrel to be elected. In 1922, William Kime was elected Supreme Commander at Seattle, Washington and re-elected in 1923, at Norfolk, Virginia. During his term of office, the first Cootie Uniform was approved and became the official uniform of the Order. A committee was appointed to prepare By-Laws for the Order and to re-write the Ritual covering the Third Degree. The new By-Laws and change in Rituals were adopted at the Supreme Scratch in 1923.

In 1923 at Norfolk, Virginia, the Military Order of the Cootie proposed the idea of a National Home (This can be verified by the Newspaper Special Edition of Norfolk, Virginia, issued during the National Encampment). A Copy of said edition was presented to the National Home several years after the founding of the Home. In Atlantic City, in 1924, the VFW Organization decided to approve of the National Home although it was a "Brain Child" of the Military Order of the Cootie.

In 1924 the official Cootie uniform as announced, according to records provided by Kalamazoo, Michigan as well as the Original Drafts of Ritual and By-Laws. Tomb Trek to the Tomb of the Unknowns, Arlington National Cemetery, was first inaugurated in 1934 by TNT Pulp Tent. This annual observance has continued each year since and the members attending has increased each year.

Monday, February 2, 2009

General Orders #9

February: 2009

Listen Cooties:

Happy Ground Hog Day u-all this important holiday is reason the General Orders did not get out on time. Not really I just fell asleep at the switch.

First off thanks to all you Cooties for all the help at the V.F.W Mid-winter conferenc in landcaster. We gave several Cooties Their second and third degree, had a couple of re-instatements And two new Cooties this is great and the V.F.W gave us the Floor saturday night and i believe we got more interest by V.F.W rank and file members along with respect for what the Grand does. Let’s hope this continues.

Warrants are in the mail with this General Orders, please hold your elections from now until March 31, 2009. Complete the Warrants and mail one copy to Grand Adjutant, and one copy to Supreme Headquartes, keep copy on file and while we still have District send one to them. See your District. Adjutant gets a copy. The information we get off the warrant is how we know who to send General Orders to as well as complete an up to date Roster.

Thanks to Past Commander Gordy Colvin we are now 100% inspected. We still need Hospital Reports from several pup tents. You know who we are your doing the work report it. We still need about 185 Cooties to pay their 2009-2010 dues CCDBs the only reminder sent out from Supreme is over a month old let’s make some phone calls Cooties, and if you lost members thru death let the Supreme and Grand Chaplin know who they are.

The next council of administration is in Willow Grove. Here is hotel info.

PHONE NUMBER 215-674-2500 E-MAIL


NAME___________________________________NUMBER OF GUESTS________


Directions just off the PA Turnpike,Willow Grove exit Third Supreme meets Saturday evening at hotel Council of Administration meets Sunday morning at 9:30am make reservation by March 9, 2009.

If you or anyone in your Pup Tent would like to receive the General Orders and other crummy stuff via e-mail send your name and e-mail address to the Grand Adjutant at He is so good you will get e-mail you don’t even care to get, but you will know what’s going on in the Grand.

Note for sick call, Belle Moon is having many health problems recovering from eye surgery, Past Grand President and Past Grand Commander Sonja and Val Swanson both are at home with various health problems, also Past Supreme Commander Ray Ferns daughter is still on the recovery list. If you get a chance send these Cooties a note to let them know you are thinking about them and keep them In your prayers.

Time is short and so is this General Orders once again I have not heard any special requests to be placed in your General Orders The space is there Cooties just contact the Adjutant. Travels hope to be in Mt Wolfe Feb 15 2009, for forth District scratch. Be seeing and may God Bless all of you and thank you for all the wonderful work you do. G.D. Kohler, Grand commander

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Grand Officers

Officers for the Grand of Pennsylvania for the year 2008-2009

George Kohler, Jr. Commander
Pat Hafer Sr. Vice
Jackie Sampson Jr. Vice
Willard Boyer Chaplain
Mike Bookser Surgeon
Eugene Edinger Historian
Ed Wood Quartermaster
Mike Bookser Adjutant
Val Swanson Judge Advocate
Gordon Colvin Inspector
John L. Roberts Membership Chairman
Michael A. Sabol Hospital Chairman
Eugene J. Slabinski Deputy VAVS Rep
Gordon Colvin Trustee 3 Year
Raymond Fern Trustee 2 Year
Robert Wagner Trustee 1 Year
Ann Meinert MOCA President